Re: Polarizing generator

Posted by humanpotatohybrid On 2024/7/10 23:29:53

53 Cavalier wrote:
Not sure if this helps, or is much different, but these are the instructions from the shop that rebuilt my generator when I was having issues.

1.disconnect the field wire off the generator.
2-use a jumper wire and hook to the field term, than hook it up to a ground,this will tell you if the generator is working or not.
check the output,it should go to 8volts and higher, if it doesnt than your generator isnt doing its job,,im hoping the armature that i rebuilt is holding up.
3 if the generator is working ,than your regulator maybe giving you the issue. have a spare regulator, if thats your problem,switch them out,hook up all the wires to the reg,and polorize it,,you do this by taking a jumper wire and flashing the battery to gen connection on your regulator,,,
recheck charging system...if this doesnt help you may have to bring it back and ill have to retestand reset the reg

Changing your belt shouldn't have caused issues, I don't need to tell you that, but something's going on.....

It doesn't matter now, but I realize I wrote step 2 wrong before. They made generators both ways and sometimes I forget whether the field is internally powered or internally grounded. Ford tended to use the latter, apparently, whereas the former was the standard for everyone else.

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