Re: My First Packard

Posted by Andy Lewis On 2009/5/2 3:58:40
Actually, the front bumper is bent up in the middle, like someone hooked a chain to it to pull it. The grill also has a few cracks and bends in the bottom, in the middle, where the metal is thin. The rear bumper has a little spot on the bottom of the driver side, BUT....I think it's perfect:) I don't want to be too corny but I'm really excited about this car. I'm 29 years old and just bought my first house as well as my first Packard. I don't have a lot of money, so my project will be slow and probably not make it to the quality of most of your cars anytime soon. I think I'm out of touch with some people here so I hope this makes sense. Some of the guys on this site obviously have high budgets and high expectations for other Packard owners. I've built several Mustangs and been around a lot of other project cars but I've never thought that most of the "classic" cars that people have are really that "classic". I've always felt a little cheated around older cars because, no matter how nice they are, most of them can be built from a magazine. Packard is what I've always wanted but didn't know it. Even when I did the Mustangs, I felt like it was too easy. Parts were cheap, new, and easy to find. I didn't even know what Packard was until I stumbled across my car, which I've only had for a few days, but from what I've learned so far, you really have to put in a lot of extra effort to work on a Packard. To me, that makes it a REAL "classic". This will probably be the newest project car I ever buy again. Screw the sixties. O.k. now that I'm done telling my car how much I love it, I'll let you guys read something else. Thanks again for all the input, see ya.

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