Re: 22nd-23rd Series Book

Posted by Robert J. Neal On 2009/10/16 18:53:23
Here I am again. I have not heard from anyone recently so I thought I would drop in and stir up some interest.

Everyone seems to be somewhat fascinated by the 1948-1950 Station Sedans. Interesting cars I will admit. So I did some digging in the remainder of the Packard archives, which seem to be scattered about.

I now know exactly how many were built and that, as everyone has guessed by now, all were built as 22nd Series cars.

I know how many were built as 1948 22nd Series and how many were built as 1949 22nd Series. Leftover 1948s were renumbered as 1949 22nd Series. Exactly how many that was we will never know for sure but reports of the data below will help narrow that down.

I now know positively that leftover 22nd Series Station Sedans were renumbered as 23rd Series cars and exactly how many that was.

I know that leftover 1949 23rd Series Station Sedans were renumbered as 1950 23rd Series (as was done with all other 1949 to 1950 23rd Series cars) and at what serial these started.

What I don't know is just what, if anything, they did to update these cars to 23rd Series beyond changing their data plates.

What will answer that question is reports for existing cars, 23rd Series in particular, buy any will be helpful. I need:
1- serial from the vin tag on the cowl
2- numbers on the Briggs plate on the firewall
3- firewall number
4- data from the build sheet taped to the top of the glove box if it survives
5- early or late type front bumper?
6- early or late type dash features?
7- round or square brake and clutch pedals?
8- 22nd or 23rd type windshield wiper control knob?
9- engine number and, of course, is it original or not?

OK you guys, lets see the reports come piling in.
You can certainly leave comments on this thread but please send the data directly to me at as I do not commonly make rounds of all the various web sites. My days have not gotten long enough yet.


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