Re: Using 12 volts only for "starting" purposes

Posted by Eric Boyle On 2009/10/25 15:19:19
Using a 12v battery to start a 6v car is like being married with a girlfriend on the side, sooner or later you're going to get caught. I would say either fix it so it starts properly on 6v, or convert it to 12v, I wouldn't try a half and half deal.

After saying that, when I converted my '48 to 12v, all I have to do now is let the fuel pump build up pressure for about 5 sec, pump the gas once, then bump the key. It starts that quickly EVERY time. No more of this crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, sputter, crank, crank, crank, crank, crank, maybe sputter, fire. That gets old and tiring. It took almost a minute to start on 6v, now it's instant.

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