Re: First ever restore/repair 51 touring sedan help

Posted by Kevin8888 On 2009/11/2 17:22:27
Well I have more or less been planning to replace the entire brake system from the start, I just didn't want to do it if it was unessisary, so not overly worried about that. I do plan on getting a beater for the winter months.

Fred Puhn, first I'd like to thank you for sharing your experiences. My first question is what do you define as rust? haha, as I have never seen a car that doesnt have rust on it, even new cars off the lot sometimes have some lol. So are you talking frame/body falling apart rust? or are you talking general thin layer rust. I agree with the inspection idea, as I'm not dumb enough to buy without looking it over. Then engine is not seized, and the owner says he oiled the cylenders every so often over the past few years to keep it that way (again I plan to conferm this). I don't agree with you policy on most expencice I can afford, 1 because I plan on rebuilding I have the technical skills and access to the tools needed to rebuild any part of the body/structural and anything I can't do from home I can do at my uncles metal shop, 2 from the pictures its in excellent condition (except the interior) and I have seen it from all angles. Again thanks for your input.

Painting it I plan to do myself, chrome I plan to repair any rust spots with sandblasting/primer and a chrome paint for the short term, long term possible re-chroming. Interior I am doing entirely myself as well, so basicaly all repairs on this car are only going to cost me meterials. The highest costs being from any engine repairs and replacing the brake systems.

I don't plan on rushing it to be road ready, infact I plan to more or less disassemble the entire car (except the engine/tranny unless its nessisary) strip the paint, rust, and dirt off of every thing, repair where needed reinforce anything iffy, install seatbelts. Clean the engine of any rust flecks/greese, and paint it. Then prime every thing with a layer or 2 of primer, any thing that is not getting a body colour I will probably prime another time just to be sure its a good thick layer to minimize chiping and flaking chances from dirt being kicked up, then I plan to reassemble the car, do the interior. Then drive it away.

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