Re: 1948 Von Rudolph Custom Roadster

Posted by jmmfranklin On 2010/3/12 2:36:43

Von Rudolph car was built as a concept/California custom movement but was never completed - a demonstration of how a Packard Custom Coupe/convertible could be modified into a roadster. It was finished like the week before last and still needs clean up, plus some fine detailing (which I will do in the next week or two). The fellow who created was a Mr. John Rudolph and it was basically his passion for a fair amount of his life, he was a big picture guy though and just did not have the fine finish skills to get the project done. Supercharger was a little out of all the local mechanics skill sets in tuning (might take a die hard Studebaker, Kaiser, or racing fanatic who is use to working with them) - damn thing puts out a ton of boost pressure and is just hard to work with. By the way - it is one wild ride and for real dramatics people are stunned when you wind the top down or install the front wheel fender skirts - they are just knock you dead.


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