Re: Engine oil

Posted by Randy Berger On 2008/2/7 3:00:42
Tim, how old are you and what Packard owners manual are you reading? When the Pa turnpike first opened in the late 30's Packards were running 75-85 miles an hour from Irwin to Carlisle, the length of the turnpike at that time. There was no speed limit.
In the old days the 55 mph speed limit helped, but modern cars are just too fast and I would stick to the secondary roads that the cars were built for.
55 mph in the OLD? days?? We drove from Pa to Calif in 1953 in a one year old 1952 Mayfair. Down thru the Texas panhandle and straight thru New Mexico and Arizona we ran along at 65-70 mph and frequently were passed by trucks and Greyhounds. The Packard straight-8 would sustain 75 mph easily for long distances.
How do you expect the oil companies to respond when confronted by a question like "What oils do you recommend". Their stock answer would be to follow the owners manual. They don't even have to give your question any serious thought.
May I respectfully suggest that you read more practical responses to the questions raised on this and other auto forums by people who have actually used the products, materials and solutions that are discussed.

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