Re: Oil filter decal

Posted by Charles On 2010/4/19 7:35:41
I think an original engine section would be very beneficial...


BigKev wrote:
Just some food for though on the fill tubes.....

The Judging Guide has an interesting note the Road Draft tubes. They were painted engine color from the factory. But replacement tubes came in only black. Perhaps the oil fill tubes were the same and came from the supplier in black, and after being installed on the motor at the factory, the entire motor was then painted.

I guess the only way to test this theory is if we find someone with an original painted tube, and scrape away some of the paint to see if there is a black layer underneath.

Maybe if someone has an original tube, they could remove it and see if the end that goes in the engine is black. The pic I posted seems to show the black covers the whole unit. That would support the supplier sent them in black theory. I don't know how hard they are to take out though.

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