Soon-to-be owner looking for advice

Posted by afterglow On 2008/2/26 12:20:43
I live in the Philippines and I am in the process of acquiring a '50 Standard 8. My mom used to drive one of these and ever since she was young, she kept on telling me how much she loved that car. Unfortunately, it was stolen some time in the 60s. On a whim, I asked around and came across this car. <br /><br />[IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] <br /><br />It's owned by a family that used to have a local Packard dealership. When they closed shop, they decided to keep this car. I went to college with the granddaughter of the dealership owner. All the grandkids have moved abroad and they've been trying to unload the Packard for a while. <br /><br />[IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] <br /><br />The car was driven to its current location (parking garage) in the late 90s and hasn't been moved since. There's a bit of surface rust and the rear bumper has some spots that have rusted through but it's nothing that can't be quite easily fixed. The interior looks like it's been reupholstered some time in the past. <br /><br />[IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] <br /><br />And surprisingly, it has A/C!! <br /><br />[IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] <br /><br />The body work and the interior can be easily done locally. I have a highschool buddy who owns a shop that does my restoration work (musclecars till now) so I'll probably have him do the work. I will need to freshen up the engine, rechrome the trim and bumpers, get new light lenses and get fresh tires. These parts will need to be sourced and imported. Can you guys point me to where I can find these parts?? Also, can anyone share any information on the car?? I'll leave you with a few more pics: <br /><br />[IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]

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