Re: Valve-To-Head Clearance

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/10/16 8:26:40
All of this head milling that goes on is 90% nonsense and does not need to be done in 90% of the cases.

Agreed! I don't recall ever seeing a recommendation on what degree of head warpage was allowable, but the longer the head the more the tolerance for it. I've installed plenty of heads on Packards that had 0.010 or 0.020 warpage and not had problems.

If you think you might have to mill the head, first cc the combustion chambers and the ends and center to see if it's been milled before. A little creative math with the volumes and you can even estimate how much (if any) it's been milled previously. If evidence doesn't prove it needs to be milled or surfaced, DON'T DO IT.

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