Oil Line Restrictor?

Posted by Mike On 2010/11/14 13:57:01
On the 327 I'm prepping to install there is the typical bypass filter setup mounted to the head. While taking the lines and filter apart to prep it, i recall reading that there should be some kind of restrictor in the line so that the bearings get full oil pressure. Where should this restrictor be installed and what does it look like? I haven't found anything but a brass T (from block to oil pressure sending and the T side goes to lines that go into the filter, then out of the filter to the block where it looks like it just exits into the pan, and the last of the T just goes back into the block.)

Picture attached. Would like to make sure it's in place if it's supposed to have one. Maybe the T is the restrictor? The holes in it seem smaller than a normal T, is there a drill bit size i should measure with?

Thanks all!

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