Re: Ivory Steering Wheel 48-54 Reproduction Project

Posted by HH56 On 2010/11/27 19:00:16
I'm not sure what you mean by no right to comment. All are welcome to comment and I for one would very much like professional opinions on most all. The login session does time out and that may be what happened as the message does say something along those lines.

If you took a long time and the login did time out, one trick a lot of us have got into the habit of doing on longer posts is to just before you click the submit button, highlight all the text you typed and then edit and select copy. That way if it did time out, once you log in again and assuming you didn't copy anything else, then all you have to do is go back to the forum post, select the reply button again and then do an edit and paste and all you wrote should appear again. Photos would have to be selected again, then redo the submit.

Some also type all long replies in word or another text program and then when ready, copy all of that to the reply box.

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