22 Series Rear Axle Advice Needed

Posted by Michal On 2010/12/21 15:14:09
Hello Packard Info Crew,

Doing the brakes and seals all around on my 2272 and am stumped by the driver's side rear axle. The drum seems to slide in on the taper farther than it should and rubs against the brake backing plate once the axle nut is tightened. I swapped drums, same result. At first I thought I might want to remove the shim between the backing plate and the axle housing but now I'm looking at the threaded tip of the axles.

The 2nd pic shows how I'm not even able to snug the drum past the shoulder at the base of the threaded section. I added a few bushings to get around this, got a nice mate to the axle, but ran right into the backing plate. Anyone ever run into this problem? I'm tempted to try to track down another axle but thought I'd check in with the collective wisdom here before I make any more moves.

Thanks, Michal

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