Re: In Search of Atlantic Blue

Posted by ScottG On 2010/12/29 23:05:54
Dave- That's pretty close to what my color chip would indicate although my example of the chip does seem a bit more green. Then again, the sheet has yellowed from time and I doubt the color chip can be considered accurate after sixty years. It sure would be great to see the whole car if you can find that missing photo.

I'm thinking that I'd like to stay true to the original specs with this project, but I do admit having a weak spot for Cavalier Maroon. Either way, I'm a long way from paint but on a cold December night a little day dreaming is a fine way to pass away the time!

HH56- Thanks for the links but, as you noted in a later post, those cars sport a blue that is darker than what I would expect of Atlantic Blue. Interestingly, they're also a lighter blue than I would have imagined Coral Blue to be if they are indeed painted Coral Blue.

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