Re: Speedometer Cable Lubrication

Posted by fred kanter On 2011/5/31 21:59:15
Pulling out with pliers is usually not needed, as has been said someting may be amiss inside causing it to stick. It was recommended that you lube it, but the type of lube was not mentioned. Using anything that gets thick when cold will create high friction problems. The best thing to use is powdered graphite in a plastic tube, often used for lubing lock keyholes.

Remove cable and cledan, give a few good shots of graphite down the cable. By the way all speedo cables are made to remove from the top. Lubing the spedo mechanism, use a light oil, like 3 in 1. Ands not too much , just a few drops. There is a felt wick in the bottom of the hole that will hold oil for the next 50 years.

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