Re: 1946 Transmission problem

Posted by Ross On 2011/6/1 20:36:26
I believe you will find that the detents are fine as they are quite stout, tho it is possible that the little block in which they reside may be loose on the bottom side of the top cover. In your car you can remove the tunnel plate and have the top off the tranny in relatively short order for inspection.

Whilst you are in there have a good look at the shifter forks to see if the little pivoting shoes are worn. More importantly, given your symptom, grab hold of various gears on the main shaft and see if you can wiggle them. If they wobble at all, the mainshaft bearings have lost their preload and will need attention.

Does the car jump out of second as you descend? That is a more usual symptom for loose mainshaft bearings.

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