Re: Strange 327 Knock

Posted by fred kanter On 2011/7/13 6:37:20
The spoiler is back, sorry. Professional has little or no meaning in endeavors that require board certification. The term that does have meaning is "licensed". The word professional is often redundant as in Licensed Professional Beautician means the same as Licensed Beautician.

In general "professional" means that is how a person makes their livlihood. In general a professional mechanic makes his/her living working on cars, an amateur does it for himself

See definition below

Definition of PROFESSIONAL
1a : of, relating to, or characteristic of a profession b : engaged in one of the learned professions c (1) : characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace
2a : participating for gain or livelihood in an activity or field of endeavor often engaged in by amateurs <a professional golfer> b : having a particular profession as a permanent career <a professional soldier> c : engaged in by persons receiving financial return <professional football>
3: following a line of conduct as though it were a profession <a professional patriot>

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