Re: Springs for BTV

Posted by fred kanter On 2011/8/10 19:43:39
The spring is Stainless for corosion resistance to water. To make it out of beryllium copper or other material will perhaps give yoiu resistance to auqa regia and sulphuric acid etc, but if such contaminants are in your BTV you have bigger problems. Have faith that the engineers at Bendix knew what they were doing adn that no superior material to stainless has been discovered for corrosion resistance ot water in the past 60 years.

Engine valve springs deteriorate from milions of comprsessions, brake springs from elongation cycles and heat.

Compensator valve springs have a minimal displacement in use. Replacing one that has not been physically damaged by errant pliers makes as much sense to me as replacing a camshaft sprocket nut when replacing the sprocket. There is a mistaken belief in my opinion from dealing with BTV units that the springs wear, deteriorate or are manufactured too weak. Like ghosts, it's a superstition in my opinion.

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