Re: What the heck happened.

Posted by fred kanter On 2011/8/16 6:58:11
To Big Kev,
I do not think anyone is a backwoods hillbilly, it's that some know more than others in a particular area. I can't fix a car radio nor do I know beans about a Packard financial report so if I were to give advice in those areas I would expect to be corrected lest I be left to mislead others. Those are not my areas of expertise or even knowledge!

So when someone says to prime the fuel pump to fix a non-start condition they are speaking in an area of their non-expertise. Look, I can't do or even advise on brain surgery and if I did it would lead people astray.

So that others may "get another opinion" combined with supporting facts I post to the forum and I do this to help EVERYBODY. If anyone thinks I should NOT post what I believe(being very cautious here)the correct information let me know why, I'll consider it.

Yes, some of this is common sense but these days it seems fewer and fewer have it. When George Carlin passed away he will his title of Spoofer of the English Language to me.
Thus I have renamed common sense to "Uncommon Sense". If it were common then most people would have it.

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