Re: What the heck happened.

Posted by Mike On 2011/8/16 12:20:15
Edited out of respect for bigkev and others helping others on here; after all it is his house, and as they say, when in Rome.

As for better ways to get ones point there a better way? He's not adjusted his attitude one bit since he got here, and care's not to help others but to prove he's right in some minor semantically technical way.

I am not one to blow my top easily, but FK has been pretty much finding any general quickly written post i throw up and trying to nitpick it to death. After spending a few WEEKS working on my fuel pump and passing the help along to have him tell me that the problem i was having doesn't exist and i'm a hillbilly, well, it's been too much.

Perhaps i should have said let the car fire and the pump prime the carb instead of the pump prime?? DOES IT MATTER?! I don't have time to sit down and edit every post of quick help for peer review and publishing.

He often bills himself as an expert on every subject, but if a problem doesn't fit in with a service manual, it doesn't exist. Or, if he's seen it before and it's not in the service manual or as described there, then experience is king and he should know because he had or saw or worked on. Which is it? Manual or experience? And if experience means anything, why not anyone's experience but your own?!

I have FOR SURE experienced the pumps not priming the fuel system themselves like their supposed to on 3 Packard pumps, recently, and a handful of other wore out mechanical pump automobiles that would run fine if started every couple days to keep everything from evaporating or drying out or whatever happens that they don't fire right back up from lack of fuel in the carb/pump.

But according to Fred, i'm a hillbilly and those things simply didn't happen because HE didn't see them.

He emailed me AFTER I found a spun rod bearing to tell me if i had read the manual, i would have surely found the issue soon rather than chasing my suspected lean running condition/spark knock but he wanted to let me learn on my own to listen to him. I told him pertly to stop messaging me asking me to make public apologies to him, specifically on the carb icing issue, and again with the i told you so bearing messages.

BUT YOU WE'RE WRONG FRED! The spun bearing made no noise, we have since chased it elsewhere in the block. How did you not see that with all your wisdom and foresight and piles of service manuals?

Could it be that Packard couldn't foresee EVERY possible scenario on 60 year old worn out cars that wouldn't be driven everyday in conditions and speeds much different than they planned on with fuels and oils not yet developed?!

I also won't buy anything anymore off of Kanter, 90% because of Fred's attitude, 5% because the website sucks for looking things up and comparing, and 5% because the shipping charges system is retarded and based in the 50s when you couldn't instaquote real shipping charges. Might as well have a map on the wall with thumb tacks in it and yarn tied between them showing shipping points.

Max Merrit and ebay get more of my business EVEN IF I HAVE TO PAY MORE or GO WITHOUT.

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