Re: Starting problem, starter vs. ring gear

Posted by Steve On 2011/10/2 12:59:48
Hello everyone, thank you for replying. FYI, the car is 6V pos ground. The starter and flexplate have been "together" for at least 10 years.

Rusty O'toole'
"There is a third choice, take off starter and file or grind end of broken tooth to a point or round it off. This to prevent the gears jamming if it come up again"

Thanks for that tip, I really don't want to change the flex plate, (I really mean REALLY). In your opinion, if I'm able to reshape the broken tooth and everything works and sounds good, will I be harming the ring gear or starter any further? Is the loss of part.....say, 50% of the tooth that big a deal in the long run? Your thoughts please.

"by Ross on 2011/10/1 13:02:06
Have many nice flex plates. $40 plus shipping. PM if interested."

Thank you I'll do so.....just in case.

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