Re: Electric radio antenna

Posted by HH56 On 2011/10/7 14:59:42
You are probably right on with the bad spot. If the antenna binds, the motor keeps turning and chews a nice notch out of the track. Not sure the nylon track was ever available separately as it was crimped to the top section of mast. On earlier units it's an odd shaped piece which could probably be special made if you're willing to order a few thousand feet. I have never found anything even close available from retail places that sell various nylon extrusions. Round on later ones almost like a real thick string trimmer nylon but fairly flexible. Regular round nylon extrusions available at various places is too stiff.

Antenna Masters who used to sell the top piece with track and also the entire masts to replace broken ones is gone but I believe their inventory might have been bought. Long time ago though so maybe that is used up as well. Kanter once did some rebuilds and I think Tucson Packards might have done some also. Maybe worth a call to one of them and see if they have any ideas..

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