Re: 1951 Packard hearse on EBAY

Posted by Steve On 2011/10/13 12:09:51
It would be amazing to find one replacement, but to have your choice of two possible replacements (considering their rarity) I suggest you not pit one seller against the other, rather, buy them both...... may need a replacement one day!! Just saying......Also, your buying such a rare Packard has put you in the realm of "even if you don't need it now, you might someday"...meaning you'll be searching high and low for replacement parts....just in case. Congrats on the acquisition of the Packard, you have started on a journey of work,joy, expense,joy, frustration,joy, learning all kinds of mechanicals,joy, and "see and be seen". Best of all, the admiration and unlimited resources of the Packard forum and the members therein. Welcome!

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