Brake Bleeding

Posted by Garrett Cuellar On 2012/3/26 16:51:18
Hey Guys,
I had installed the, "Master Power Brakes", booster and cylinder a whlie back. And I also ran all new brake lines, plus I have new wheel cylinders. So, yesterday I decided it was time to bleed the new system in. Well at that point I realized I hadn't bench bled the master cylinder.

Went to Autozone and picked up one of those, "MightyVac" hand bleeders and began bleeding the master. I connected two lines at the outlets of the master, with the pump hooked up to one of the lines. I proceded to pump till there were no more visible bubbles coming from the master. From there it was to the "rear passenger" side of the car to loosen the bleeder screw. Hooked up the pump and began to pull fluid. Yet, the vacuum gauge shows it is not holding vacuum very well.

So today i've been out there pumping, and pumping, and pumping. All I'm getting is alot of air, and very little fluid. I've gone along the lines, and there appears to be no leaks. The flares are, "manufacturer" done. SO WHAT IS THE PROBLEM!?!?! Did I not bleed the master properly? Is air getting in somewhere I don't see? Do I just need to keep at it?

P.S., When I push in on the pedal, air is forced out along with some fluid. Yet, it doesn't appear that any fluid is being drawn back through the line when I let off, doing it the one man way.


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