Re: Brake Bleeding

Posted by Steve On 2012/3/26 19:21:13
I have always been able to bleed the entire brake system by my self without using a power bleeder or hand pump. I bench bleed the master cyl, and then install wheel cyls and brake lines. Make sure top on M/C is secure on a full m/c all the wheel cyl bleeders and pump the brake pedal until you see fluid squirt out of one of the w/cyls.........close that bleeder and keep pumping until another wheel cyl squirts.....and so on. Also keeping an eye on the m/cyl resevoir to not let it run dry. When fluid has squirted out of all four bleeders, and all 4 are closed....go around and adjust the brakes on all 4 wheels....9 out of 10 times your pedal will be up and hard. Assuming m/cyl rod is adjusted (if appropriate) and all fitting, and hoses are tight. You just shouldn't need to buy anything to accomplish this task. My I hope this helps.

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