Re: Engine cuts out on highway & up hill...

Posted by fory On 2012/4/12 15:37:02

Owen_Dyneto wrote:
I kind of doubt it's generator/regulator related. But here's another long shot which I've encountered a couple of times over the years. If the pick-up tube in the gas tank is near the front of the tank (front of the car) and the bottome end of it has perforated or rusted off and the tank wasn't sufficiently full, the fuel would run to the back of the tank on a hill and the pickup would begin to starve for gasoline.

Interesting you mention it.... I have notice that she runs better on a full tank. I didn't put two and two together, but on the way TO town it was fine with around 1/2 tank. I did a lot of driving in town, and on the way back home there was probably less than 1/4 tank when I started having troubles. Maybe I should start looking for a new gas tank...

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