Re: Throw out bearing spring
Posted by africapackard On 2008/6/6 4:10:20
Thanks Eric, and thanks for the trouble with the spring! This helps me immensely, meaning that I can source this spring locally and not wait and pay for import. I knew that someone will eventually come back with an answer. As I am still learning "Packard" I hope I will also be able to help the newguys in future!
Regarding the spring clips, I thought as much, but wasn't certain. Now I know why the throwout fork was so loose. If anybody can help with an idea about how these springs look, even if it is a hand drawing (obviously you cant remove the clutch just to get a picture for me!) I don't seem to be able to find these clips on the plates, anybody know why?
What about keeping photos like the one Eric send somewhere for future reference?
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