Re: Bad OD Solenoid?

Posted by HH56 On 2013/5/11 18:56:58
Can't say as I've seen a relay exactly like that one. Here is the typical B-W relay as was used by almost all including Packard. Some were painted black but natural is mostly what I remember.

To test yours, will have to identify the terminals. The one coming from battery should be easy. It should be going to the fuse and have power all the time. The others can be identified one at a time. If you can see all the colors, and they are original wires then it should be doable. The yellow looks obvious so if it's original wire it should be the ground wire coming from governor thru kickdown switch. The other two maybe not so easy. If you can find one that is orange/green then it's from ign switch. If you can't tell, with the key off disconnect the two wires that are left and keep track of where they were. Turn key on and see which wire has power. Once identified, put that wire back on it's terminal. The remaining wire has to be the wire to the solenoid. To test the relay you can ground the yellow?? ground wire as was mentioned above and relay should click. If it does, you can measure the voltage on the remaining terminal and it should have battery voltage when relay is energized. If so, it's on to other parts of the circuit.

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