Re: Bad OD Solenoid?

Posted by Ross On 2013/5/15 6:53:28
The terminal with continuity with the case is for power and goes to the relay terminal that says "sol". That is the one you should jump to with a heavy wire and get a satisfying clickshunk noise. The other terminal is open and goes to the upper pair of terminals on the kickdown switch and is used for shorting the ignition a couple beats so the overdrive can disengage under load. I'd use 10 or 12 gage, or just an old jumper cable. If it doesn't click right away take the cable off--don't wait for it to change its mind.

I am headed to do the exact same test on a 53 Stude truck first thing this morning, but plan to start down at the solenoid and then work back. That would be the best plan for you also.

Incidently, Studebaker International has had these solenoids reproduced. I know they are interchangable as I just stuck a Packard unit into this Studie for testing on Friday and it fit and worked just fine.

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