I have two 22nd series Packards and have a pair of "King Bee" styled rear view mirrors on each of them. They mount through the stainless steel strip just beneath the windows and, when positioned properly, are both visible from the driver's seat. I believe they are 4" diameter mirrors and their curved styling matches the curves of the 22nd series very well.
Kanter has some new reproductions that look just like mine for about $160.00/pair (I think they used to be $170/pr) at
http://www.kanter.com//catalog/productdetail.aspx?Tg=1615320&Mak=Packard&Yr=48&Dv=1&Dpt=1000&Sb=0&Vdr=&Itm=&MDv=1&MDpt=0&MSb=0&Cat=1&Prc=226 Talk to their Packard department to make sure they will work as I described.
I just picked up an original pair on ebay and have an extra driver's side mirror, same style, but with a larger diameter mirror, if you'd be interested in just one?
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