Re: Easamatic Rebuild Sources

Posted by JeromeSolberg On 2017/5/7 23:51:22
I recently rebuilt my Bendix Treadle-Vac, using the kit from Kanter's.

As a side note - gosh there are so many small parts in there, and you have to be very careful to get everything in and in the right orientation/order. It is very much more complicated than any more modern master cylinder/brake booster system.

My unit, which was on a 1953 Packard Cavalier, had the cover as in an an earlier post:

The gasket did not block the port, but on the other hand the cover really didn't seem to provide a lot of room for the port either.

But no matter - I did a very close inspection and it appeared that the port itself did not go through. In other words, it was blocked off by manufacture. It did not lead anywhere. The casting was not drilled through to the seal area.

From reading these posts it sounds like Bendix went through many iterations of this "relief port", to the point that late in production they didn't include it at all. Perhaps my BTV was replaced at some point in time during maintenance, and the new unit had the port blocked off intentionally.

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