Re: Smoking Straight 8

Posted by Daniel Leininger On 2008/7/30 7:26:20
Pap Franklin,

If you started it after 12 YEARS of silence, you might want to service and run it a bit more, taking it reasonably easy. As Mal said the rebuild-road can be a long sequence becoming a TOTAL re-manufacture (which you may want to do and have time, space, talent, money and connections to do).

However, as a low budget amateur, myself, with an older-restored Packard, I think mine is running better as I keep driving it (reasonably) and servicing it as it needs it. My Clipper has been silent for nearly 20 years before I found it last Sept 07 and got it back on the road. It depends on what you want and what your Packard it telling you.

One nice part about Kev's PInfo website is the chance to get advise from guys (down under, or otherwise) like Mal who have been listening to and watching and tinkering, with Packards for a lot longer than I have.

So Keep askin' ...


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