Re: Howdy

Posted by HH56 On 2014/5/3 19:04:57
Am glad the move is over and you didn't have to tow or haul the car. Always a stressful time during moves even when things all go right.

On the oil pump, you could check the relief valve to make sure it is free and see what kind of shims, if any, might be present. At only 60K it seems odd there would be that much wear causing low pressure but if it was actually 160K then surely a possibility. With all the crud you found in the pan it seems like it would have taken more than 60K to accumulate that much sludge.

IMO, the mechanical gauge should be done first before buying another sender -- unless you just want to have a spare sender on hand.

Another test that might be interesting would be to duplicate the resistor values found in the gas sender work done on this thread at PAC just to see if the oil gauge works in a similar manner. While different from yours, the 51-6 gauges do all work the same and need the same values. The use of a spare gas sender was how temp and oil gauges were tested on those years. Logically the 48-50 oil, temp and gas would need different values than later gauges but each work the same way -- but I don't know for fact that they do. Being as they were bimetal heater senders the principle of operation is a bit different than the 51-6. The fact the other poster was able to use a standard resistance sender is interesting in itself. I haven't seen any followup posts to the contrary so assume his standard aftermarket sender is still working.

If you want to try the test and have a Radio Shack locally that still sells the 1watt resistors, you might pick up four 10 ohm 1w resistors and connect them individually and in series to get the combinations the other poster used. Toward the middle of that thread, using the other posters final values it would seem around 40 ohms would give a low pressure reading and 10 ohms would give a high pressure.

Actually, I just remembered that I may have some 48 gauges -- temp for sure but not sure if there is an oil -- If you don't want to try on yours, I will pick up some resistors next week and see what happens..

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