Ebay Comparison of 327 vs 356
Posted by JD in KC On 2014/1/23 10:13:34
Found this bit of information on a new
eBay listing this morning:
"1948 was also the first year for the 327 cid Packard straight eight that would see the company through to the end of the straight eight era. The engine produced as much horsepower as the larger prewar 356cid engine, so Packard under rated it's horsepower in their literature. The fact was that the lighter more powerful Super Eight outperformed the heavier and more expensive top of the line Custom Eight."
I'd never heard this claim before. Has anyone else? Is it just more eBay amateur marketing misinformation?
This Post was from: https://packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=138351