Re: Heat shield

Posted by BH On 2014/2/19 9:59:09
JD in KC wrote:

Looks simple to make except maybe for the 'bump-out' that accommodates part of the carburetor.

Just make a buck from a scrap of hardwood. Shape one corner of the buck, along its length, to match the intended crown of the shield, and grind or chisel out a cove to match the 'bump-out'.

Then, form the crown in a piece of sheet metal (I like to do so over a scrap of pipe that I've ground/sanded smooth), but BEFORE you trim the edges to size, clamp the metal to the buck and begin working the metal into the cove with the rounded end of a ball-pein hammer.

This 'bump-out' should not be anywhere near as difficult to form as it would be over a sharp crease, but if the sheet metal proves to be sutbborn, a bit of heat from a propane torch might expedite the process.

AFTER the 'bump-out' is formed to your satisfaction, then you can trim the edges to finished size/shape and make and attach the tabs.

Yet, you might wanna try a mock-up with some heavy cardstock paper, first, to make sure the bump-out is properly located and of sufficient depth and breadth.

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