Re: Metallic oil in a 327 engine and running noises

Posted by HH56 On 2014/10/18 13:35:53
I need a core to replace it. Will a '51 300 Ultramatic starter work on a '52 300 overdrive?

That is not the first broken nose on the starter we have seen or heard about here on the forum. Typically the common thing is they were all running 12v on the 6v starter though. At the least it might be worthwhile to send your replacement to Jason or a local rebuilder to have 12v field coils installed.

Physically, believe all postwar inline 8 starters will interchange. They all bolt the same way and no distinction is made between Ultra and standard trans in the parts manual. Differences are in the brand and strength and now the solenoid is wired or engaged. Smaller engines had Bendix drives and not quite as much torque needed while the larger engines typically had the solenoid powered pinion engagement and some even had gear reduction starters.

Now sure how readily available new ring gears or new flywheels might be so that could pose a small problem.

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