Re: question(s) regarding starting circuit super clipper 2126-2151
Posted by HH56 On 2015/7/20 15:37:54
The custom 8 is kind of interesting because of the starter safety circuit used on the 356 engines.
The starting circuit begins at the ign switch with a wire on GA terminal which goes to the starter switch on the carb. That is a black plastic assy with two terminals located on the rear side of the carb and as you said, is operated by pushing the accelerator all the way to the floor. From the starter switch the wire goes to one of the small upper screw terminals on the starter solenoid to operate a relay inside that rectangular enclosure which in actuality is the item that operates the solenoid..
The other small screw terminal is the other side of the relay coil and would be connected directly to ground on ordinary setups. With the safety circuit in the custom 8, it connects to the ARM or GEN terminal on the regulator which provides a path to the generator. The circuit then goes thru the generator armature coils and finally gets ground via an internal generator ground connection. The purpose is once the engine is running and generator is putting out normal voltage, the potential on each side of the relay coil is the same so the starter cannot accidentally be engaged should something be out of adjustment in the carb switch setup.
The circuit apparently worked reasonably well as it started prewar and carried thru on senior cars thru 52. The circuit did have some issues though and at times the engine would not crank. Packard issued a bulletin on how to revert to a fixed ground if the operator did have problems. If you do not have your generator completely wired that could be the source of your current no crank situation.
The only other switches associated with the accelerator are located on the firewall. Fairly low down and mounted on a bracket is the overdrive kickdown switch. Higher up near the coil and OD solenoid and operated by a short link rod is the accelerator switch for the Electro-Matic clutch if the car is so equipped.
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