Re: Points trouble....
Posted by HH56 On 2008/10/19 18:37:58
I didn't see a figure so don't know if you posted one or not. If you did, make sure its right type, size with text only in title then after selecting the image, you hit upload. After the picture name shows under the browse button then hit submit.
In addition to what Scott726 said, the path is completed to ground through the distributor. Aside from needing a good tight mount to provide the ground connection there is a small very flexible wire connecting the points to the terminal outside the generator distributor that the coil connects to. Make sure that wire hasn't broken and also make sure the condenser hasn't shorted.
It might be handy if you have a voltmeter to verify the voltage. Connecting one side of meter to ground, you should have 6v on the wire coming from ign switch. The terminal going to dist will have 6v IF the points are open, and should drop to almost 0 when points are closed. If either is wrong, that narrows the search quite a bit.
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