Re: Battery/starting issues

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2015/11/14 9:34:38
Like Ross I've always had a problem understanding the popularity with battery tenders as opposed to standard tapering-charge trickle chargers; to me they seem most appropriate for storage of vehicles that have a constant parasitic current draw for an on-board computer or the like. My 6-volt NAPA batteries have generally lasted at least 6 years, more generally about 8 years (12-volt batteries somewhat less). During winter storage of about 4 months I fully charge the battery, disconnect the ground strap, and perhaps once during the winter connect a tapering trickle charger for perhaps 6 hours or so. Springtime always finds the battery fully charged and ready to go. I check the electrolyte regularly; allowing it to fall below the top of the plates for any length of time really shortens the capacity and useful life.

As far as diagnostics, as you scrounge flea markets keep an eye out for a battery current draw gauge like the attached; you just lay it over the cable and read the draw while cranking. Specs are in Motor's Manuals; typical for postwar units (except 356 motor) is 60 amps/5 volts for a no-load condition and 600 amps/3 volts for a locked condition.

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