Re: Rear wing window removal

Posted by HH56 On 2016/1/19 16:18:33
No problems bending but by having the ends cut with the wheel the wire was free to slide so maybe that makes the difference.

The old channels were laid flat on a table for use as a pattern. Had the new channels cut 2-3 inches longer than needed. Laid the new over the old with a bit extra hanging over one end and took my time just using hand pressure to gently form the new bends. It did take a bit of effort and perseverance and I do remember the thumbs were sore afterward -- but had a smooth bend on all. Once they were formed and looked like a match to the original used the cutoff wheel again to cut the new to exact length. Laid those in position with the rest of the frame and used the holes in the mounting straps or the steel support pieces to mark hole locations.

Dumb question but you do have the really flexible channel?? You said Restoration Specialty so probably so. Reason I ask is a friend bought some channel from a local place. That stuff was sold as flexible but was not the same as Restoration sells. Restoration has the small individual rubber coated metal segments and the other stuff had much larger I think plastic segments so not nearly as flexible.

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