Re: Bad Gas in Tank

Posted by Fish'n Jim On 2016/4/3 19:02:18
This has been debated before, but I pose a question based on the response.
If Amoco was truly "unleaded" and was used since the 20's as you say, ie, pre hardened valve seats, then where are all the junk engines from valve seat issues by using Amoco with no lead?

If I had a nickel for every ounce of "snake oil" sold to cure engine issues, I'd own the world. I have some bridges I need to sell...or this $29 a pint stuff. Did you ever wonder why you need blue colored "enzymes" to "fix" ethanol problems?
You're getting about the cleanest fuel one can make these days, and it's riddled by marketers as nasty for your engines (which are designed for it!). DAH! If that was the case could they even sell any at all?

Good practice is to flush out the complete fuel system or you'll have carb issues at least. As HH sez, change to ethanol resistant fuel parts. Check the brakes. Then go have fun!

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