Re: leaf spring specs for 1950 Packard 8
Posted by Gary49eight On 2020/10/20 8:02:11
My 1949 had a lean to the left. Before you spend money on springs, try this:
Put a jack under the center of the front crossmember until the front wheels are off the ground. If it is level that eliminates the rear springs. If in doubt remove the rear springs and sit them on the ground. You will soon see if the curvature or height is different.
Lift the rear wheels with a jack under the diff center.
If it leans the problem is the front, as was my car.
I fixed mine by swapping the front springs left to right, it sits level now. Comparing the front springs out of the car, there was about half an inch height difference. Depending on which side of the road you drive on, the short spring goes on the drivers side. Hope this is useful.
If you plan on removing front springs, I can give you some tips.
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