Modern frame for 23 series?
Posted by Fish'n Jim On 2020/12/27 9:52:24
I'm thinking of reviving my modified P project - '49 Deluxe Club 2 dr sedan(aka fastback). I've got too much invested, to sell as is.
When I left off, I was searching for a frame to replace the factory x-frame. All kinds of routing issuus, suspension not suited, it's riveted, and don't want to cut up it's original. I'll keep with the motor. I was trying to do this so it could be reversed to stock.
It's 120" WB which is the same as the S-10 P/U. Those aren't known for their suspension, so would have to modify. I guess I could opt for full custom, $$$. I was going that way at the time because I was looking for a modern V-12, and the geometry issues. Never found that as a viable route, mostly for availability and the programming, so I'll probably
go with more traditional power. I have a good NASCAR engine builder who did my Caddy, which kinda took the wind out the the P project.
Anyone done this or know of something in that WB?
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