Re: Modern frame for 23 series?
Posted by Fish'n Jim On 2021/1/18 20:08:41
That's a new one on me. I'd have to hire someone to program that too. When I go talk to my motor guy, I'll see what he says about a 12 but gotta find a frame first or no hotrod project, back to stock, I'll go.
New lead;Met my new back yard neighbor today and he's a NHRA drag racey car guy. Has a 1000 Hp Nova and knows a frame builder.
One local vendor turned me down already. Morrison is out there but on opposite coast, and $18+K and cross country shipping. They sell kits but I think if I weld it, it'll take longer than I want to finish this project. The old clock on the wall is speeding up. if the covid doesn't get me first...
My new welder arrived so waiting on me now to get sparking. Steady as she goes.
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