Garage Lift Recommendations
Posted by DavidPackard On 2021/5/13 14:15:55
I feel like I’ve high jacked johnrhodes81’s thread on his ’53 transmission project, so I would like to start a new thread on this subject. I think a lot of us have questions that others can answer/help.
I would surely like to buy a lift someday soon, but get lost in the 4 post, 2 post, and scissor debate. I do not have the head room to lift a car enough to walk under, so unless it’s a low/mid-rise scissor design I won’t be using the full capacity of the device.
I do like the idea of portability and would like to ‘wheel’ the lift from one bay to another. If this is a must have capability then the 2 post designs are left on the wayside . . . unless the two post is the type that can be unbolted and rolled to the side of the space for storage. Right now I’m leaning to a scissor design like John’s, but I could/may change my mind before I finish this sentence.
I was wondering if a scissor lift could be rolled under a car the wrong way, meaning approach the car from the side, lift the car high enough to use jack stands or cribbing, then lower the car and roll the lift away with the car high and dry on the stands. Something like a whole car trolley jack. With the lift gone there would be no difficulties with complete driveline access. I’m not sure any lift manufacture would consider that a serious question, because of the possibility of getting the center of gravity of the car wrong in two directions.
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