Re: Garage Lift Recommendations
Posted by DavidPackard On 2021/5/13 17:52:32
HH56 thanks for the input and link.
I’ve looked at the 2 post ‘portable’ units. There is a minimum concrete thickness, and I suspect a minimum concrete strength, for the anchors to react the moment at the base. One of the manufactures has changed their base geometry to increase the moment arm of the two critical bolts. That would reduce the pull-out force on those anchors. Before I jump to that design I will have to bore a hole to measure the depth of the garage floor . . . and assume 3500 psi is likely the minimum strength that may be marketed. Another option is to manufacture a few steel plates (thickness TBD) with an even larger moment arm from those two bolts.
I’ve also looked at cutting the floor to put in some footings for an ‘in floor’ scissor lift. That would result in a free space under the entire drive line and easy drive in and out for the Mrs.. That extra construction cost could be avoided if the side entry/retraction scheme is doable for the run of the mill scissor lift.
If the weight of each post in the 2 post portable design gets out of hand I could always use a ‘cherry picker’ to lift and move ‘to and from’.
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