Re: Garage Lift Recommendations
Posted by kevinpackard On 2021/5/13 18:48:28
I've done some research on lifts because I'll be getting one at some point. A lot of guys with normal garage ceilings end up going with a 4 post lift like Bendpack, Atlas, or Wildfire. They may not be able to use it to its full height, but they can lift them enough to get work done. If they are under the car they use a rolling stool to scoot around on. If they need to remove wheels or work on the axles, the 4 post lifts have optional jacks to lift from the axles.
The 4 post has the benefit of parking a second car underneath if you wanted to. Lots of pictures and videos online of normal garages set up for this type of use.
One other thing to consider it how the garage door is mounted. Typically the roll-up doors are mounted on hanging tracks, which severely limits how much space you can use for a car lift. Most guys have the tracks moved to the ceiling and install a wall mount garage door opener. This way you can lift the car literally up to the ceiling and maximize your space.
4 post lifts don't require thicker concrete, don't need to be bolted into the floor (unless you want to), and many models have wheels that can be attached to move the entire assembly somewhere else.
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