Re: Garage Lift Recommendations
Posted by DavidPackard On 2021/5/13 19:53:10
Kevin, 4 posters are still on my list for sure. My ceiling height is something like 9’ 4” (I just measured it). I’ve seen a few videos on how easy they’re to move . . . with only one person it looks like quite a challenge, but at least it doesn’t take a crane. I think having casters on all four corners distracts from directional predictability. A positive for those lifts, as you noted, there is nothing stopping you from parking a car underneath a raised lift. I don’t have enough headroom for another car on top, but surely with a simple floor ‘stuff’ could be stored above a car. I’ve looked into the wall mounted door openers, and I’ve considered getting rid of the electric door opener where the lift would normally be located. I won’t be taking the Packard out in the once a year rain storm, so getting out of the car to open the door is not an issue. Since the car fits between the door tracks I don’t think they have to move unless you want the garage door open while the lift is UP, but all of that stuff is simple, and has been done many times before. I’ve looked into a few of the brands you mentioned and the post height, at least the standard height lifts, will fit under my door tracks, so I could move bay to bay with the tracks I have. Everything looks like a 4 post lift will fit, and in the worst case one or two cabinets need to move to give the posts enough room to center the lift in the door opening, which is not absolutely necessary.
As for bolting down the posts, I was looking for some data on what was the maximum floor pitch that would be acceptable with full load and full height, but I couldn’t find anything of that subject. I was wondering if shimming the low posts would be OK. One downside of drive-on lifts is the extra height of the car when it’s on the lift, and where does one stand when working in the engine bay. A simple work platform would solve that access issue. I know when I was removing the starter on the ’54 I took the LF wheel off to allow the car to kneel and allow me to reach the starter without climbing on the fender . . . but I did anyway.
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