Re: Garage Lift Recommendations
Posted by Fish'n Jim On 2021/5/13 20:29:06
Unless, you're 4'3" tall or working on MG midgets, I'd forget it, if one doesn't have the ceiling height. It'll be half way. Need at least 12', 14-15' high point is better. No magic solution out there. Rent a garage with one in it, if you need one for some work.
You can put them outdoors, if you have the climate.
I've been through this and it's just not economical, and if you can't get it high enough to use the stand up "tools" like trans jack, oil drain, etc. it's not much different than the ol' jack stands and crawling on the floor. So why spend money on what you already can do? How much under car work is there to do? Exhaust pipes, drive shaft, springs, replace lines, trans drop, etc. Most of these can be accommodated from the floor or sent out.
I built a garage specifically so I could put a lift in. I was working globally and fish'n tournaments and never put it in, then sold that place when I retired to warmer clime. This garage is bigger, but still only 10+' first floor and the way the trusses and roof are, it's a pot of money to raise a section, plus you lose access on the first floor for posts etc.. I've even looked at building a separate high bay garage, but just not doing that much work any more to justify. I'll farm out the work if I have to. I'll make sure the next place has the right stuff.
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