Re: Garage Lift Recommendations
Posted by Packard Newbie On 2021/5/14 12:09:22
Looks like you have done a stellar job on framing up your garage! Very nice. I am still a ways out on starting mine as I purchased additional property beside us to have room for it, only to find out I must amalgamate the lots before being issued a building permit, and a full land survey is required, costing thousands of dollars. %&@#$#!! Oh well, is what it is and one can't fight 'town hall'.
I have grappled with the hoist/no hoist question ad nauseum, and at the end of the day, I am tending to agree with Fish'nJim that for all the ceiling height and extra concrete, I am probably further ahead taking the car to a local garage and renting a bay for the relatively infrequent times I'll need to be under the car working. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to have one - just am having trouble 'getting there' as far as expense and structural add-ons needed to be able to 'push that button'. I don't know what building materials are doing stateside. but an 8' 2X4 is running between $10 & $12 up here right now, and all I see ahead, post Covid, is economic disaster. I sure like your building though! Chris.
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